Admissions Overview
Why Honors?
Please visit our High School Admissions page for more information regarding our invitation process.
For more information on meeting with our Admissions staff, please navigate to our Visit the Honors College page.
Honors College members may fulfill University requirements in nonstandard ways that allow a program of study to be tailored to a student’s interests and abilities. With the approval of an Honors College Academic Specialist/Advisor, members may choose from literally hundreds of course offerings to fulfill their general education requirements. With the approval of their Departmental Honors Advisors, they may meet the spirit of their college and major requirements using substitute courses not on the standard requirement lists. A substitution may take the form of a course which is more advanced than an introductory one, a course closely related to a required one but not on the standard list, or an Honors or graduate course which covers more than one standard listing.
Because of the flexibility allowed in an Honors College program of study, no absolute rules about selecting general education courses or exhaustive lists of possible choices can be drawn up. A course which might be deemed appropriate for general education in one student’s program might not be approved for another student’s program. To ensure that the freedom allowed in fulfilling these requirements is used effectively to enrich the general education experience, this component of a student’s program must be carefully planned. The following guidelines should be kept in mind when choosing general education courses.
Advising is an important aspect of the Honors College. Developing personalized programs of study requires that Honors College members keep in close touch with advisers both in the Honors College and in their major departments. With the help and approval of these advisers, Honors students can take maximum advantage of the flexibility they are allowed in filling degree requirements.
Michigan State University is a leader in offering research options for academically talented students in every discipline.
Continuing Honors College members are allowed to enroll for classes on the first day of each enrollment period, before most other Michigan State University students. This privilege allows Honors students easy access to most courses, and members must use this opportunity for early access to schedule all of the courses they need or want. The priority is strictly a time advantage and does not allow Honors College members to enroll later in filled sections of courses either during the regular enrollment period or during the schedule adjustment period.
One of the most important aspects of membership in the Honors College is becoming part of the Honors community at MSU, an opportunity to get to know other diverse, interesting, and engaging students from around the nation and world who share a commitment to academic excellence.

Brian Batayeh

Chris Ryan

Elaine Chu

Jasmine Jordan